Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Secular NDTV

NDTV today published the news of Heavy devotee rush at Sabarimala, one of most revered Hindu Shrine in South of India.

However as if to "expose" some nefarious activities in sabarimala and warn the pilgrims, they included two other negative news articles with the bulletin !  I am not sure what was the relevance of those two news with devotee rush at shabarimala? Why did they club these together

Did NDTV make any such claims when they released the news of Sainthood Alphonsa. Did NDTV question Miracles attributed to Alphonsa? Did they include news on churches sexual abuse history along with the news?

If not then why here?

Secular NDTV

A secular test for NDTV

Step 1: Try the following query in Google search bar and see the result Alphonsa
Once you have above

Step 2: Try the following in Google search bar and see the result sabarimala
and see the result of first 20

The difference in Qlty and tenor of article will prove the secular credentials of NDTV 


goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......

Umadevi said...

Good Blog, i will visit more often!